Hello Resilience

A funny little word entered my life this past month.  It is called, re·sil·ience /rəˈzilyəns/ Noun.  A google search  led me to the following definition. “The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.”  Now that is not a word that I would necessarily choose to describe myself or others.  However, let me tell you why […]

Breathing Space


For those of you who have seemed to misplace your joy, bliss, or sparkle, let me re-introduce you to your “Enchantment.” I suppose the last time you heard that word you were watching some trailer for a Disney movie. I mean who could possibly bring enchantment into the 21st century?  Now, June Cleaver….she would have […]

Hello Enchantment

Breathing Space

Hello Enchantment

Freedom is a million little things.  For some it might be the wind blowing through their hair, riding a motorcycle on Highway 1, or hiking Mount Tam on a glorious September day. For another person it is casting a vote for change in a ballot box, flying a flag…or standing or kneeling in protest of […]

Hello Freedom

Breathing Space

Hello Freedom