Krista's Books

Krista Gawronski authored her first book, Soul Purpose … Find the Courage to Fly, in February of 2015. It inspired readers to follow their inner calling. Krista shares her story of starting a nonprofit and how charity can open the door to love, miracles, human connection, and a deeper purpose within. Her second book, Be Good … The Heart-Centered Journey, came out in September of 2018. It has a timeless message about self-compassion and humanity. The book starts backward and represents the arduous journey to find a sense of home and belonging in one’s self. Krista’s education and life experiences culminate beautifully in her latest book, The Search for Grace … Heal Your Life From the Inside Out. She inspires her readers to become their own healer and advocate. She highlights the importance of self-love and maintaining energy in today’s fast-moving world. Krista invites the reader to stay true to themselves as it is essential to maintaining physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.

world shakers, lET's DO This. 

The Search for Grace

From the Inside Out is timely for today's world because it helps you slow down and take care of your needs. Each chapter takes you to another level of self-awareness and growth. You'll learn mind-body medicine techniques that will support your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Explore the sacred parts of your inner self that hold wisdom, spiritual guidance, and self-compassion. Krista has compiled the most beautiful anecdotes, inspirational stories, and valuable tools to uplift your soul and give you a one-on-one experience with Grace.


Be Good

Once in a while, a book will come along and nudge people by the soul. Be Good has a timely message about compassion and humanity for the world. At some point in our lives, we all pause and ask ourselves, "What is next for my life?" Krista Gawronski brings everything home as she unravels some of the biggest questions about faith, love, and personal fulfillment. 


Soul Purpose

Soul Purpose is a calling that lives in every one of us. For every moment that we have felt busy, stretched, pulled, and unfulfilled, there is an opportunity to invite more love, more peace and more charity into our lives. The search for Grace need not be far--it is already within us. This book creates a simple reason to pause, get clear on our charitable priorities, and raise the level of joy and kindness in the world. It becomes our privilege to give something back. We can all afford more authenticity in our lives. Consider this book a safe place to land.