
Krista has worn many hats in her life. Because of her vast experience in business, wellness, and philanthropy she can lead many conversations. Whether she’s talking about running a business or a household, she will always come from a heart centered perspective. She loves talking about charity, passion, and purpose. She encourages her audience to listen to that voice inside that wants to stretch, take risks, and pursue meaningful endeavors.

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This helps people manage their stress and fear. Her greatest joy is talking about self-care and resilience. Krista always weaves in beautiful stories and anecdotes to make her presentations uplifting and relatable. Her audience is often surprised by her simple approach to healing. She reinforces the importance of self-love and mindfulness so that a person can remain present, calm and balanced.

She’s become a strong leader in the spiritual community where she invites people to lean into their faith for strength and grounding. 

Krista can personalize a workshop that works for any group. Whether you have a staff meeting, retreat, conference, or you just want someone to inspire your congregation, women’s group, teen group, caregivers, seniors, or professionals that experience exhaustion or burn-out, it is her privilege to bring forward conversations about love and healing. People always walk away from her talks feeling lighter and more hopeful. 

Lean In
Life Is A Spiritual Journey

What Are You Waiting For?

What Is Holding You Back?

The Untold Story

Live What You Love
Start With Yourself

Permission to Change, Grow and Start Over

Discover Grace
How To Bring In Unconditional LOVE

Talk Titles

"I am genuinely grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with someone who has such a dedicated service heart...

and I am excited about the potential of her future endeavors to elevate the collective experience. Krista's ability to bring intentions full circle and evoke meaningful interactions is truly exceptional. I look forward to witnessing her continued success and hope to be part of her inspiring workshops again."

Sunny Dawn Johnston

Author, Speaker, Teacher


"If you know Krista, you know that there’s a type of other-worldly light that radiates from within and around her always...

One of the things that stood out to me about Krista is her passion to be of service and how she can bring people together from all walks of life with such ease. Krista walks through life with an open heart and is authentic with everything that she says and does. She is a natural leader, as extraordinary wisdom and guidance naturally flow through her as a speaker, teacher, and writer."

Emmanuael Dagher

Spiritual Teacher, Speaker, Bestselling Author

"Krista Garonski is a favorite writer among the local audience...

Her inspirational, insightful, and kind words over many topics resonate with North Bay Woman Magazine readers. She has also penned stories about giving and philanthropy for the Marin IJ Special Sections like Giving Back. These are always met with joy from the readers.

Krista was instrumental in bringing mindfulness to the forefront of our daily focus for our Bay Area News Group advertising team. She led the team in meditation and planning exercises to assist team members to set and reach goals and to remain present while doing so. Her leadership energized and focused the group, and we would recommend her to bring this beneficial program to your business."

Lori Pearce

Ad Director
Marin Independent Journal